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The Importance of Cardiac Rehabilitation

The Importance of Cardiac Rehabilitation Cover

Increased uptake of cardiac rehabilitation is proven to save lives and reduce costs. 1


What is Cardiac Rehab?

Cardiac rehabilitation is a program designed by health professionals to improve a patient’s heart condition and overall health outcomes following a heart event, procedure, or diagnosis.

A rehab program often includes exercise, education, and support components to promote healthy lifestyle modifications, and is personalised to fit an individual patient’s needs, comfort, and ability.

These programs ensure that patients are given the opportunity to live healthy and happy lives.


The Importance of Cardiac Rehab 1


Why is Cardiac Rehab required?

Whether a patient has received a diagnosis, suffered a heart event, or undergone a procedure; following a cardiac rehab program can significantly improve physical and mental health outcomes through important lifestyle changes. These changes provide long-term results proven to keep patients out of hospital and reduce the risk of death from heart conditions. 2

While rehab programs typically begin in hospital, they are designed to be continued long after this. The duration of a given program is determined by the health condition.


Cardiac rehabilitation has been shown to lower mortality during the first year following a coronary incident by as much as 30% and hospital readmission by 56%. 3


What conditions or events may require Cardiac Rehab?

Cardiac rehabilitation is a suitable option for patients with various heart conditions. Rehab is an effective solution for those with a history including:


What does Cardiac Rehab include?

A healthcare professional will conduct a medical evaluation by consulting with patients to measure physical ability, medical limitations, and existing risk factors. They will then construct a personalised rehabilitation program that fits their condition, lifestyle, job, and family. The resulting program will likely include several key health-promoting components:


1. Exercise

A tailored exercise plan aims to improve cardiovascular fitness through physical activity while ensuring patients understand how to exercise safely and effectively.


2. Education

Educating patients is an important step in creating long-term, effective changes that promote a healthy lifestyle. Patients will develop a greater understanding of their heart condition, risk factors, and limiting negative health behaviours such as smoking, diet, and exercise. Additionally, it is critical that patients continue to take medication as prescribed by their doctor.


3. Support

While cardiac rehab programs promote healthy lifestyle changes, they also help patients get back to daily activities that matter to them, including work, travel, and leisure. In the period following a diagnosis, heart event, or procedure, it is especially important that patients receive support to manage their mental health and emotions.


These components of Cardiac rehab can be conducted in several settings, including:

  • Individually or in a group,
  • In a hospital, clinic, or community centre,
  • In-person,
  • In the home,
  • On the internet, or
  • Over the phone.


The Importance of Cardiac Rehab 2


Who is involved in Cardiac Rehab?

Cardiac rehabilitation involves the collaboration of a wide-reaching, multi-disciplinary team of health professionals working to improve patient outcomes. Healthcare professionals commonly involved in cardiac rehab include:

  • Cardiologist,
  • Dietitian,
  • Nurse,
  • Occupational Therapist,
  • Pharmacist, and
  • Physiotherapist/Exercise Physiologist.


Support to lead a healthier life

Social isolation or a lack of social support is acknowledged as a risk factor for coronary heart disease development as well as a poor prognostic indicator for people who already have the condition. Therefore, the support of family and friends can play a significant role in influencing the recovery process either through physical or emotional support. This increased level of support, alongside a comprehensive cardiac rehab program, will ensure patients can continue to thrive throughout their daily life. 4


Cardiac rehab is effective, affordable, and efficient; with significant evidence of its beneficial role in recovery following a diagnosis, heart event, or procedure. 5



Disclaimer This information is general and not conclusive. Follow any guidelines and advice from your doctor or specialist, health care, or multidisciplinary team, for your personalised patient-centred needs and care. Inquire about a patient advocate group regarding your specific needs. Call 000 if you are experiencing chest pain.

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