Have you experienced any of the symptoms below?
How far can you walk without getting short of breath?
When was the last time your doctor:
- listened to your heart and breathing with a stethoscope
- measured your blood pressure and heart rate
- weighed you or measured your waistline
- asked about your physical activity
Do you have a family history of heart disease?
Do you smoke?
What is your age bracket?
Do you have diabetes?
What is your post code?
How would you like to get your personalized discussion guide?
Thank you for filling out the questionairre. You can get a copy of your Heart Health Check Questionnaire by clicking one of the buttons below.
You've completed and downloaded your Heart Health Check Questionnaire, so what's next? Follow the instructions below.
- Print out or download your survey results to your phone
- Book an appointment with your regular General Practitioner (GP) or find a GP close to you.
- Take your survey results to your appointment to discuss them with your GP
- Before your appointment, it might be worthwhile to discuss your survey results with your loved ones. Sometimes we don't notice our own changing state of health, but our loved ones always do. See if they agree with your answers. We want to make sure your doctor has an accurate assessment of your health.
Thank you for filling out this questionnaire and taking control of your heart health. If you have a friend or family member that you are worried about, please encourage them to fill out the questionnaire and get their heart checked. You could help save a life.
You've completed and downloaded your Heart Health Check Questionnaire, so what's next?
It appears from your answers that you may not need a heart check.
However, we recommend to revisit this, or see your doctor if anything should change
Thank you for filling out this questionnaire and taking control of your heart health.
If you have a friend or family member that you are worried about, please encourage them to fill out the questionnaire and get their heart checked. You could help save a life.
You've completed and downloaded your Heart Health Check Questionnaire, so what's next?
It appears from your answers that you may not need a heart check.
However, we recommend to revisit this, or see your doctor if anything should change