Treatment is dependent on the cause of the syncope (if identified). Syncope is often transient in nature and therefore classification/ treatment goals may be difficult and often time-consuming to implement.
True cardiac syncope causes may be identified through simple diagnostic tools such as ECG’s which may uncover. Implantable Cardiac Devices have the capacity to identify and treat arrhythmias automatically. They also can transmit cardiac information remotely to the cardiology clinic for review.
There are many different types of cardiac devices that may be utilised depending on the individual patient presentation:
Electrophysiologist, Dr John Meulet discusses how he would approach a patient scenario regarding diagnosis and treatment of syncope. “We need to allay their anxiety, we need to get the diagnosis, and we need to manage them appropriately and efficiently.” Learn more in the video discussion below:
Treatment for the most frequent presentation of syncope may include:
Other causes of syncope, such as seizures and endocrine, are referred to the relevant specialist once identified and treated as per common clinical guidelines.