Cardiomyopathy > Treatment Options

Cardiomyopathy Treatment

Depending on the type of cardiomyopathy, treatment commonly includes management and monitoring, medication therapy, device implantation and in rare cases, heart transplantation.

Treatment Methods for Cardiomyopathy

Treatment for this condition will depend on the type of Cardiomyopathy that has been identified. Some patients may not be required to have any treatment other than monitoring and regular review with Cardiology teams until symptoms present (if any at all).

However, treatment may be divided into medication-related and implantable cardiac device treatments. In some rare cases, the only treatment option available may be Cardiac transplantation or a heart transplant. 


Medication treatment

There are many medications that aid in the relief of symptoms caused by Cardiomyopathy, usually symptoms indicating heart failure, such as shortness of breath, irregular heart rates and swollen ankles or the prevention of rapid, dangerous heart rhythms. It is possible that patients may be prescribed multiple medications or none at all, depending on the individual patient condition as assessed by a medical team. 

There may be a complicated regime that requires regular contact with General Physicians as well as Cardiologists, to assess the effectiveness of treatment and the potential for interactions with other medications being taken.

Medications may be put into the following classes:

  • Beta-blockers: reduce the heart rate and the force of ventricular contraction
  • ACE inhibitors: reduce the workload on the heart, reduction in blood pressure  
  • Anti-arrhythmic: control abnormal heart rhythms 
  • Diuretics: reduce fluid build-up in the body
  • Anti-coagulants: reduce the formation of blood clots1


When should a GP consider initialising therapy for heart failure?


Cardiac Device Therapy

In many patients with Cardiomyopathy may require implantation of a cardiac device. These may take the form of:

  • Pacemaker: to regulate the heart rate (if the heart goes too slow)
  • Defibrillator: to detect and treat life-threatening arrhythmias (such as ventricular fibrillation)
  • Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy: allows the heart to increase the cardiac output by stimulating the heart ventricles together to increase the force of contraction


What is a Defibrillator?


What is a Subcutaneous ICD?


Cardiologist Electrophysiologist, Dr John Hayes discusses the benefits of Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy in the below video:


  • VT Ablation: a procedure where a small electrical catheter is placed into the heart via the groin and the electrical activity of the heart may be mapped to identify where the abnormal circuit that causes VT might be. Once this is identified, the abnormal tissue/circuit may be destroyed using radiofrequency ablation to isolate the area, so that this area is no longer able to stimulate the abnormal rhythm.

These cardiac devices may also have the ability to share important information about the condition of the heart, any arrhythmias that have been detected and in some cases, early detection of heart failure whilst at home, allowing intervention by the medical team2.


Dr John Hayes explains Remote Monitoring in the below video:


Patient Disclaimer: All content on the Hope For Hearts site is created and published online for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Please see your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.