Program Overview

What is Hope For Hearts?

Hope For Hearts is a national cardiac awareness program with the key aim of reducing the morbidity and mortality of Australians with CVD through education, early detection and appropriate intervention.

We appreciate this is no small goal and requires a collaborative approach, mobilising every segment along the patient care continuum from patient advocacy and public awareness to local GP's and specialists, suppliers, healthcare organisations and payers.

Our strategy is to create a highly engaged community through digital technology, bringing key stakeholders together to share information, connect, educate, and learn.  

There is no online destination accessible by all those that share our goal of improving the distribution of information and education, so we invite you to join us. Become part of our growing community to be heard, and make a difference. 


Our Vision

To unite the entire cardiology community to connect and share information and get involved in activities that will improve patient access to timely diagnosis and appropriate management pathways to reduce the burden of CVD.


Hope For Hearts the Program

The program uses a combination of innovative technology, online platforms, CPD education programs, print and social media communications, and networking tools to share information and better connect the medical community.  

It is a national program open to all healthcare organisations, companies and HCPs that share our goal of empowering patients through knowledge to make informed decisions about their care.


Hope For Hearts the Platform is an online destination where patients can find up to date information on cardiology and find GPs, specialists and cardiac service providers that can help.

The platform is the result of the collaborative efforts of GPs, specialists and healthcare organisations across Australia, educating the public on the risks of heart disease while encouraging at-risk members of the community to get their hearts checked. 

It aims to raise awareness of the advances in cardiac disease management, the treatment options available and where to find them by providing compliant and unbiased information.


Why get involved in Hope For Hearts?

Over 6000 people visit Hope For Hearts every month looking for information, doctors and services in their area, and that number is growing rapidly.

Being on Hope For Hearts is being seen. Having your message reach thousands. Getting involved in the program helps it grow, so that number is hundreds of thousands.

Regardless of how niche your area of cardiology is, patients are looking for information and your services.

We make it easier for doctors and healthcare organisations to connect with the public, and each other, through digital communication strategies, education programs and targeted campaigns.

We have a team of experts that can help build your cardiac education brand, help you educate your audience and build your online presence, all while providing the community with a valuable service.


How can I get involved?

Whether you are a GP, specialist, practice or hospital, you can be on Hope for Hearts

A Hope For Hearts profile will provide an opportunity for you:

  • To be found for the specialty services that you provide, to help those that need you, find you.
  • To share your knowledge and experience to educate patients and support your referral colleagues to improve clinical outcomes.
  • Get access to your free e-card that will change the way you think about business cards.
  • Be involved in educational events, cardiology CPD masterclasses, digital communications and media interviews.

* For more information on how you can get your free e-card, click here.


Select your profile type below to get started; it's free: 

General Practitioner Profile

General Practice Profile

Specialist Profile

Specialist Practice Profile

Hospital Profile


Who Hope For Hearts speaks to: 

We talk to patients to:

  • Make it easy to book a heart check appointment with a GP,
  • Empower patients through knowledge to take control of their heart health,
  • Improve the awareness of treatment and management options,
  • Find GP, specialists and local services.


We talk to General Practitioners to:

  • Connect them with patients for heart checks and other appointments by providing free profiles on Hope For Hearts,
  • Provide access to a library of free educational resources, including on-demand CPD content and masterclasses, live and virtual events,
  • Make it easy to find local cardiac specialists that can help with their patients' specific needs,
  • Access downloadable assets for patient education,
  • Access to local health care news feeds,
  • Provide an option to be involved in our future condition-based programs.


We talk to Cardiologists and Cardiac Surgeons to:

  • Provide a platform where they can be found by the exact expertise and services they offer,
  • Support the development and management of an education brand and web-based tools for referral network creation
  • Access downloadable assets for patient education
  • Access to local health care news feeds


We talk to the respected and appreciated cardiac community – who take on the difficult responsibility with tireless effort to prevent, detect and manage cardiac disease across Australia. The hospitals, societies, patient support groups, the medical industry, cardiac interest groups, and Health Insurance companies. We invite you to get involved; please contact us for more information at [email protected]


Can I contribute content?

Absolutely. We invite you to join the program because you have specialty expertise to help your colleagues pursue better clinical outcomes.

The program utilises multiple platforms to host and distribute content, depending on the intended audience. All medically sensitive content is hosted on our HCP verified educational platform and medical network.

If you have any talks or meeting presentations that can add value to the broader medical community, we would love to hear from you.

Our team can assist in content production.

Please contact us for more information at [email protected] or talk to your hospital marketing team.

Why talk to a room of 20 when thousands could benefit from your experience?


Who moderates the content?

Medical Advisory Panel

Hope For Hearts is committed to hosting accurate and objective medical information created by Australia’s leading specialists. A multi-disciplinary medical advisory panel oversees all content and resources to ensure the information is balanced and represents the clinical practice in the Austrian healthcare environment.

To find out more about our Medical Advisory Panel, please click here.


Why do we need Hope For Hearts? 

According to the National Heart Foundation collated statistics, 4 million of us suffer from CVD. It is responsible for 1 in 4 deaths. One Australian will die from it every 12 minutes, and it costs our economy $5 billion a year. Prevention aside, what is frustrating yet promising about these statistics is that they are quickly reduced with early detection and intervention. As a result, families get to have loved ones around for longer, people affected live longer and healthier lives, and Australia reduces its spending on chronic healthcare.

But to achieve this outcome, we believe we can’t work in isolation as we have been. We need a mass movement, a collective voice, a collaborative effort. Doctors and healthcare organisations need to be part of that. They need to be heard, and we need to make it easy for them to share their message.

History demonstrates, if the public continually hears from experts who are clear, consistent, and unified in their messaging, the message eventually gets through.

Let’s join and be loud and clear about the risks of heart disease and the importance of getting your heart checked.


Who is behind Hope For Hearts?

Connect The Docs is a medical communications agency made up of a team of subject matter experts with backgrounds in medicine, nursing and healthcare, law, software development, creative marketing, and digital communications. The team was brought together for the sole purpose of developing the Hope For Hearts program with the support of the founding sponsor, Edwards Lifesciences.


How is Hope For Hearts funded?

To date, the entire program has been sponsored by Edwards Lifesciences and Connect The Docs.

Edwards Lifesciences are dedicated to providing innovative solutions for people with cardiovascular disease; Edwards recognises Hope For Hearts as a unifying community education program improving the understanding of heart disease and the need for better patient access to early detection and management.

Acting boldly, decisively, and with determination, Edwards’ commitment to partner with leading specialists and healthcare organisations to develop valuable education resources has been met with gratitude from many in the medical community. So much so that they would like more.

With a clear vision in mind, the Hope For Hearts program expanded to cover all cardiac conditions and cardiac specialties.

All cardiac organisations, societies, and companies are invited to join the program in collaboration with the medical community to help educate for better cardiac disease awareness and management.

National education programs like Hope For Hearts require many resources and a lot of talented people, which costs money. So, if your organisation would like to get involved and sponsor the Hope For Hearts program, we would love to hear from you.


Ready to be involved with Hope For Hearts? 

If you would like any further information, please contact our communications team at Connect The Docs: [email protected]

Thank you