Accredited TAVI Practitioner in VIC



Dr William Wilson a consultant cardiologist at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, specialising in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), adult congenital heart disease and structural cardiac interventions. 

Dr Wilson gradua

Procedures & Conditions

Procedures Performed
  • General Cardiology
  • Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
  • Percutaneous Pulmonary Valve Implantation (PPVI)
  • Paravalvular Leak Closure
  • Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty
  • Mitraclip
  • Left Atrial Appendage Closure
  • Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, including Rotablation, Chronic Total Occlusion
  • Percutaneous closure of PFO, ASD, PDA and VSD
  • Left Atrial Appendage Closure
  • Coarctation Stenting
  • Complex Congenital Interventions
Conditions Treated
  • Aortic Stenosis
  • Adult Congenital Heart Disease
  • Mitral Valve Disease
  • Coronary Artery Disease
  • Ischaemic Heart Disease
  • Myocardial Infarction


  • Cardiologist (Interventional and Adult Congenital Heart Disease)
    Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne Private Hospital, Epworth Hospital 2015 - Present
  • Interventional Fellow (Adult Congenital Heart Disease)
    Toronto Congenital Cardiac Centre for Adults 2013-2014
  • Interventional Fellow (Complex Coronary/CTO, PCI)
    Edinburgh Heart Centre 2011-2012
  • Interventional Fellow (Coronary, Structural)
    Royal Melbourne Hospital 2009-2010

Memberships & Awards

Professional Memberships and Affiliations
  • 2013

    International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ISACHD)

  • 2013

    Canadian Adult Congenital Heart Network

  • 2012

    British Cardiac Intervention Society

  • 2006

    Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand

  • 2006

    Medècins sans Frontières

Research & Publications


1. Wilson WM, Valente A, Hickey E, Clift P, Burchill L, Emmanuel Y, Gibson P, Greutmann M, Grewal J, Grigg L, Gurvitz M, Hickey K, Khairy P, Mayer J, Teo E, Vonder Muhll I, Roche L, Silversides C, Wald R. Outcomes of hypoplastic left heart syndrome patients reaching adulthood after Fontan palliation: a multicentre study. Circulation 2018;137:978-981 (DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.031282)

2. Wilson WM, Shah AS, Birse D, Harley E, Northridge D, Uren N. The relationship between the basal coronary translesional pressure ratio and fractional flow reserve. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2017. (DOI: 10.1002/ccd.27027)

3. Wilson WM, Walsh SJ, Yan AT, Hanratty CG, Bagnall AJ, Egred M, Smith E, Oldroyd KG, McEntegart M, Irving J, Strange J, Douglas H, Spratt J. One-year outcomes after successful chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2017. (DOI: 10.1002/ccd.26980)

4. Biswas S, Grigg L, Eastaugh L, Gurvitch R, Wilson W. Percutaneous repair of severe coarctation of the aorta. Eurointervention 2016; 12(12):1550 (DOI: 10.4244/EIJ-D-16-00570)

5. Wilson WM, Parrish-Smith M, Marino B, Kovacs A. Neurodevleopmental and psychosocial outcomes across the congenital heart disease lifespan. Progress in Paediatric Cardiology 2015;39(2):113-118 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ppedcard.2015.10.011 )

6. Wilson WM, E Horlick. Transcatheter intervention for post infarct ventricular septal rupture. Eurointervention 2016;12:X18-23 (DOI: 10.4244/EIJV12SXA4)

7. Wilson WM, Walsh SJ, Yan AT, Hanratty CG, Bagnall AJ, Egred M, Smith E, Oldroyd KG, McEntegart M, Irving J, Strange J, Douglas H, Spratt J. Hybrid approach improves success of chronic total occlusion angioplasty. Heart May 2016 (DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2015-308891)

8. Wilson WM, Shah A, Osten M, Benson L, Horlick E. Transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement with the Edwards Sapien system: the Toronto Experience. JACC Interventions 2015;8:1819-27 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcin.2015.08.016)

9. Wilson WM, Uren N, Northridge D. Percutaneous closure of ruptured sinus of valvsalva aneurysms using a retrograde approach without formation of an arteriovenous loop. Eurointervention 2014 (doi: 10.4244/EIJV10I12A258)

10. Wilson WM, Spratt JC. Advances in procedural techniques in PCI for chronic total occlusions – antegrade dissection-reentry. Current cardiology review 2014 (DOI: 10.2174/1573403X10666140331142016)

11. Wilson WM, Benson L, Osten M, Horlick E. Evolving trends in Interventional Cardiology: Endovascular options for congenital disease in adults Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2014 30:75-86 (DOI: 10.1016/j.cjca.2013.11.006.)

12. Wilson WM, Walsh S, Hanratty C, Strange J, Hill J, Sapontis J, Spratt JC A novel approach to the management of occlusive in-stent restenosis (ISR). Eurointervention 2014 9:1285-1293 (DOI: 10.4244/EIJV9I11A218.)

13. Wilson WM, Grigg L, Skillington P. Long-term follow-up after aortic valve replacement (Ross procedure): echocardiographic determinants of ventricular recovery Heart, Lung and Circulation 2014 23:132-43 (DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2013.07.008)

14. Wilson WM, Cruden NL. Advances in coronary stent technology – current expectations and new developments. Research reports in clinical cardiology 2013 4:85-96 (DOI: 10.2147/RRCC.S34408)

15. Wilson WM, Bagnall A, Spratt JC. In case of procedural failure in CTO PCI – introducing the concept of the “pre-plasty” to facilitate future success Interventional Cardiology 2013 5:521-531 (DOI: 10.2217/ica.13.54)

16. Wilson WM, Ajani AE. A review of the management of acute coronary syndromes. Medicine Today 2011;11(12):18-26

17. Wilson WM, Gurvitch R, Ajani AE. Prasugrel – A novel platelet ADP P2Y12 receptor antagonist Cardiovascular Therapeutics Fall 2009: 27(3);194-198 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-5922.2009.00086.x.)

18. Wilson WM, Ajani AE et al. for the MIG registry Long-Term Predictors of Mortality After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Era of Drug-Eluting Stents. The American Journal of Cardiology 2011 108:936-942 (DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2011.05.024 )

19. Wilson WM and Eccleston D. How to manage no reflow phenomenon with local drug delivery via a rapid exchange catheter. Catheterisation and Cardiovascular Interventions 2011 77: 217-9 (DOI: 10.1002/ccd.22722)

20. Wilson WM, Zentner D, Sivaratnam D, Wheeler M, Grigg L. Beta-blockers in systemic right ventricular dysfunction post atrial-switch repair for transposition of great arteries. Heart, Lung and Circulation 2009;18(3) (DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2009.05.387)

21. Wilson WM, Morton JB. Association of Senile Cardiac Amyloid due to Transthyretin deposition with Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Block. Internal Medicine Journal 2010;40(6):468-469 (DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2008.05.278 )

22. Wilson WM. Foya Hospital, Liberia: Medicine in a post conflict setting. Heart, Lung and Circulation. December 2008; 17(4): S32-S36 (DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2008.08.001 )

23. Wilson WM, Dua U, Grigg AP, Gandhi MK. Correlation of T-cell immune response with spontaneous resolution and subsequent relapse of Hodgkin’s lymphoma (with accompanying editorial). Leukaemia & Lymphoma, May 2006; 47(5): 871-876 (DOI: 10.1080/10428190600649562)

24. Edwards Sapien XT valve implantation in CoreValve aortic prosthesis to treat severe paravalvular regurgitation. Wilson W, Osten M, Horlick E. Int J Cardiol 2014 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.04.199 )

25. Cardiac arrest secondary to sudden LVAD failure in the setting of aortic valve fusion successfully managed with emergent transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Wilson W, Goldraich L, Parry D, Cusimano R, Rao V, Horlick E. Int J Cardiol 2014 171:40-1 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.11.117 )

26. Tamponade post CTO PCI due to a compressive left atrial haematoma managed with percutaneous drainage. Wilson W, Spratt J, Lombardi W. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2014 Epub ahead of print (DOI: 10.1002/ccd.25571)

27. Successful percutaneous treatment of a mycotic right coronary to right ventricle fistula. Wilson WM, Gudmundsdottir I, Cruden N. Heart 2013 100:84-85 (DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2013-304062)

28. Aorto-left atrial fistula post percutaneous device ASD closure. Wilson WM, Goh TH, Skillington P, Grigg LE Heart, Lung and Circulation 2010;19:53-5. (DOI: 10.1016/j.hlc.2008.12.004)

29. Successful surgical repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage: case report and literature review. Wilson WM, Irving L, Skillington P, Grigg LE . Congenital Heart Disease 2009;5:157-160 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-0803.2009.00306.x)

More publications available upon request. 

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  • Update on CTO PCI Literature, Wilson W, Invited lecture at ANZET 2018, Brisbane
  • Fundamentals of CTO PCI, Wilson W, Invited lecture at Optimal CTO 2018, Madrid
  • How CTO PCI skills can help normal PCI, Wilson W, Invited lecture at ANZET 2017, Perth
  • CrossBoss for instent restenosis: how, when and when not to use it? Wilson W, Invited lecture at ANZCTO meeting, Auckland 2017
  • Tools of the trade – Guide wires and microcatheters, Wilson W, Invited lecture at ANZCTO meeting, Auckland 2017
  • Troubleshooting for antegrade dissection re-entry, Wilson W, Oral presentation at ANZCTO 2016, Perth
  • Emerging features of the hypoplastic left heart cohort, Wilson W, Wald R et al. Faculty member and oral presentation at International ACHD symposium 2016, Portland, Oregon
  • When to close collaterals in the Fontan circulation, Wilson W, Faculty member and oral presentation at International ACHD symposium 2016, Portland, Oregon
  • Update on the UK Hybrid CTO registry, Wilson W, Walsh S, Hanratty C, Spratt J, Faculty member and oral presentation at NYCTO 2016, New York
  • Safety of dissection-reentry techniques for CTO PCI, Wilson W, Walsh S, Hanratty C, Spratt J, Faculty member and oral presentation at NYCTO 2015, New York
  • Long-term outcomes post CTO PCI (the UK experience), Wilson W, Walsh S, Hanratty C, Spratt J
  • Faculty member and oral presentation at TCT 2015, San Francisco, Outcomes in adults post Fontan palliation for hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Wilson W, Valente A, Hickey E, Oechslin E, Roche L, Khairy P, Clift P, Burchill L, Greutmann M, Grigg L, Wald R
  • Oral abstract presentation at CSANZ, Melbourne 2015, Selecting patients for CTO PCI and planning the procedure, Wilson W, Invited lecture at ANZET 2015, Melbourne
  • Long-term outcomes of the UK Hybrid CTO registry, Wilson W, Walsh S, Hanratty C, Spratt J, Mini-oral presentation, CSANZ 2015, Melbourne
  • Long-term outcomes post coarctation stenting – insights from a large single centre study, Wilson W, Shah A, Benson L, Horlick E, Mini-oral presentation, CSANZ 2015, Melbourne
  • Which cases should we select for antegrade dissection re-entry? Wilson W, Invited lecture at the 8 th Australia New Zealand CTO meeting, Wellington, 2015
  • Durability and safety of antegrade dissection re-entry for CTO PCI, Wilson W, Invited lecture at the 8 th Australia New Zealand CTO meeting, Wellington, 2015
  • Update on the UK Hybrid CTO database, Wilson W, Invited lecture at CTO Fundamentals Live, Glasgow, 2015, Faculty member and live case operator
  • Outcomes From The UK Hybrid CTO Registry, W. Wilson, S.Walsh, C.Hanratty, H.Douglas, J. Strange, K.Oldroyd, M.McEntegart, A.Bagnall, M.Egred, J.Irving, E.Smith, J.Spratt, Poster presentation, TCT 2014, Washington
  • Transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement with the Edwards-Sapien Valve: The Toronto Congenital Cardiac Centre for Adults Experience, Wilson W, Benson L, Osten M, Horlick E, Oral abstract presentation, TCT 2014, Washington
  • Edwards Sapien XT valve implantation in CoreValve aortic prosthesis to treat severe paravalvular regurgitation, Wilson W, Osten M, Horlick E, Oral presentation at ACC 2014, Washington
  • Essentials of antegrade dissection re-entry for CTO PCI, Wilson W, Invited lecture at the 8 th Australia New Zealand CTO meeting, Sydney, 2014
  • Cardiac arrest secondary to sudden LVAD failure in the setting of aortic valve fusion successfully managed with emergent transcatheter aortic valve replacement, Wilson W, Goldraich L, Parry D, Cusimano R, Rao V, Horlick E. Oral presentation at London Valves conference, UK, 2014
  • PCI versus CABG for left main PCI or two-vessel disease with proximal LAD involvement – a retrospective cohort study, Wilson W, Uren N, Cruden N, Poster presentation at British Cardiac Intervention Society 2014
  • Clinical, psychosocial and cognitive outcomes in adults with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Wilson W, Kovacs A, Wald R, Poster presentation at Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, Montreal October 2013
  • Adults with hypoplastic left heart syndrome: outcomes in a new cohort of patients, Wilson WM, Burchill LJ, Silversides CK, Oechslin EN, Wald RM Poster presentation at the 23 rd International symposium for adult congenital heart disease, Skamania 2013
  • Successful percutaneous treatment of a mycotic right coronary to right ventricle fistula, Gudmundsdottir I, Wilson WM, Cruden N, Oral presentation at EuroPCR, Paris 2013
  • Hybrid CTO using antegrade dissection-reentry and retrograde strategies, completed in staged procedures, Wilson WM, Spratt J, Oral case presentation at EuroPCR, Paris 2013
  • Double stick Stingray to preserve large side branches in CTO PCI, Wilson WM, Spratt J, Oral case presentation at EuroPCR, Paris 2013
  • The hybrid strategy for CTO PCI procedures, Oral presentation at TCT, Miami 2012, Wilson WM, Spratt JC
  • CTO procedure complicated by knot formation, Oral presentation at TCT, Miami 2012, Wilson WM, Spratt JC
  • Importance of IVUS use in left main PCI, Oral presentation at TCT, Miami 2012, Wilson WM, Uren N

More presentation details available upon request. 

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The future of cardiology, aortic stenosis risk factors and implications
Signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests of aortic stenosis
History and evolution of TAVI and the Structural Heart Team

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