Echocardiologist in WA



Professor David Playford (MBBS,PhD) is the Professor of Cardiology at the University of Notre Dame and the Professor of Cardiology at the Mount Hospital, Perth. His private practice involves General Cardiology, Valvular Heart Disease, Heart Failure, and Pulmonary Hyper Read More...

Procedures & Conditions

Procedures Performed
  • Echocardiography
Conditions Treated
  • General Cardiology
  • Valvular Heart Disease
  • Heart Failure
  • Pulmonary Hypertension


  • Clinical Cluster Lead
    General Hospitals 2011-2012
  • Director of Undergraduate Training
    Armadale Health Service 2008-2014
  • Clinical Academic, Consultant Cardiologist
    Armadale Health Service 2008-2014
  • Consultant Cardiologist
    Rockingham Hospital 2005-2014
  • Consultant Cardiologist
    Swan District Hospital 2005-2014
  • Consultant Cardiologist
    Royal Perth Hospital 2002-2007
  • Harvard Research Fellow & Clinical Research Fellow in Echocardioghraphy
    Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 2000-2002


Professional Memberships and Affiliations
  • 2017

    Board Member, National Echo Database Australia (NEDA)

  • 2017

    Advisory Board for CQ University Echocardiography Training Course

  • 2013

    Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Imaging Council Executive

  • 2013

    National Steering Committee for Pulmonary Hypertension Society Australia and New Zealand (PHSANZ)

  • 2012

    Clinical Appointments Committee, Bethesda Hospital

  • 2012-2014

    Workforce Recruitment Committee, South Metropolitan Area Health Service

  • 2010

    Medical Advisory Committee, Mount Hospital

  • 2010

    Medical Advisory Committee, Bethesda Hospital

  • 2011

    Pulmonary Hypertension Society of Australia and New Zealand

  • 2002

    Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand

  • 2000

    American College of Cardiography

  • 2000

    American Society of Echocardiography

  • 1997

    Royal Australasian College of Physicians

  • 2014

    Teacher of the Year Finalist, University of Notre Dame

  • 2013

    Teacher of the Year, University of Notre Dame School of Medicine

  • 2013

    Vice Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence

Research & Publications


1.Gahungu N, Judkins C, Gabbay E, Playford D. Advances in screening for undiagnosed atrial fibrillation for stroke prevention and implications for patients with obstructive sleep apnoea: A literature review and research agenda. Sleep Medicine 2019 (in press),

2. Playford D, Bowler S, Bulsara M, Blacker D, Bates T, Codde J. The Importance of Left Atrial Volume Assessment in Identifying the Cause of Ischaemic Stroke. Ar Clin Cardiol Res 2018;01:103

3. Han M, Playford D, vanden Driesen R, Judkins C. Predictors of postoperative atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: The potential role of epicardial adipose tissue. J Xiangya Med 2018;3:31

4. Strange G, David S Celermajer, Tom Marwick, David Prior, Marcus Ilton, Jim Codde, Gregory M Scalia, Simon Stewart, Max Bulsara, Eli Gabbay and David Playford. The National Echocardiography Database Australia (NEDA): Rationale and Methodology. AmHeart J (in press)

5. Playford D, Strange G. Artificial Intelligence and Echocardiography – Current Status and Future Directions (in press) in: Oh, J. The Echo Manual 4 th Edition pub Wolters Kluwer.

6. Lan N et al. A case of Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Sydrome with a cardiomyopathy and multi-system involvement. Cardiovascular Pathology 2018;35:48-51.

7. Cordina R, Playford D, Lang I, Celermajer D. State-of-the-Art Review:  Echocardiography in Pulmonary Hypertension. Heart, Lung and Circulation (in press).

8. Strange G, Playford D, Codde J, Celermajer D, Scalia G, Chung K. Pulmonary hypertension due to diastolic dysfunction: A predictive model using the National Echo
Database of Australia. World Society of Pulmonary Hypertension Conference 2018.

9. Strange G, Celermajer D, Marwick T, Prior D, Ilton M, Codde J, Scalia G, Stewart S, Bulsara M, Gabbay E, Playford D. The National Echocardiographic Database of Australia (NEDA). Rationale and Methodology. In Press American Heart Journal 2018.

10. Gahungu N, Judkins C, Gabbay E, Playford D. Advances in screening for undiagnosed atrial fibrillation for stroke prevention and implications for patients with obstructive sleep apnoea: A literature review and research agenda. In Press Heart Lung and Circulation

11. Pathmanathan A, Ahmadi A, Chandraratna H, Playford D. The role of Pre-operative Investigations in Predicting Outcomes from Bariatric surgery. The Society for Obesity and Bariatric Anaesthesia Annual Scientific Meeting 2017, London.

12. Chung K, Strange G, Celermajer D, Codde J, Scalia G, Playford D. Left Heart Disease and Pulmonary Hypertension: Are we seeing the full picture?. Heart, Lung and Circulation. 2017.

13. Celermajer D, Playford D. Book Chapter; Chapter 32: Echocardiography in Pulmonary Hypertension. In Practice of Echocardiology, 6e. Publication Date December 2016.

14. Playford D, Strange G, Scalia G, Stewart S, Marwick T, Keogh A, Prior D, Steele P, Ilton M, Gabbay E, Codde J, Sheehan B and Celermajer D. Making Australia the benchmark in echocardiography databases: The National Echo Database Australia (NEDA). Pulmonary Circulation 2017; 7(1) 1–7.

15. Playford D, Jais P, Weerasooriya R, Martyn S, Bollam L, Turewicz M, et al. A Framework for Real-Time Source-Agnostic ECG Monitoring Using Artificial Intelligence. Heart, Lung and Circulation. 2017;26:S279.

16. Kuppusamy H, Playford D, Codde J, Scalia G, Strange G. The Echocardiographic Pulmonary to Left Atrial Ratio (ePLAR): Identifying Cause of Pulmonary Hypertension and Subsequent Mortality Risk. Heart, Lung and Circulation. 2017;26:S273.

17. Playford D, Jais P, Weerasooriya R, Martyn S, Bollam L, Turewicz M, et al. P1721A validation study of automated atrial fibrillation detection using Alerte Digital Health artificial intelligence system. European Heart Journal. 2017;38(suppl_1).

18. Chung K, Naing P, Playford D, Celermajer D, Codde J, Scalia G, et al. NEDA PH-LHD Predictive Model: Validation of Diastolic Markers of Pulmonary Hypertension with Right Heart Catheterisation. Heart, Lung and Circulation. 2017;26:S60.

19. Han M, Playford D, vanden Driesen R, Judkins C. Predictors of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation: Potential Role of Epicardial Adipose Tissue. Heart, Lung and Circulation. 2016;25:S295.

20. Playford D, Strange G, Scalia G, Stewart S, Marwick T, Keogh A, et al. Making Australia the Benchmark in Echocardiography Databases: The National Echo Database Australia (NEDA). Heart, Lung and Circulation. 2016;25:S241.

21. Pathmanathan A, Playford D, Ahmadi A, Chandraratna H, Didan A, Bulsara M. Determining the role of pre-operative investigations in predicting adverse outcomes from bariatric surgery. Heart, Lung and Circulation. 2015;24:S334.

22. Chung K, Strange G, Scalia S, Codde J, Celermajer D , Marwick T , Prior D, Keogh A, Steele P, Ilton M, Stewart S, Gabbay E and Playford D. The National Echo Database Australia (NEDA) and pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary Circulation 2017; 7(1) 1–7.

23. Naing P, Kuppusamy H, Scalia G; Hillis GS, Playford D. Non-Invasive Assessment of Pulmonary Vascular Resistance in Pulmonary Hypertension: Current Knowledge and Future Direction. Heart, Lung & Circulation 2017 Apr; Vol. 26 (4), 323-330.

24. Strange G, Playford D, Celermajer D, Codde J, Marwick T , Prior D, Keogh A, Steele P, Ilton M, Stewart S, Scalia S. Disparity between severe Aortic Stenosis prevalence and aortic valve replacement using the National Echo Database of Australia (NEDA). CSANZ
abstract 2016.

25. Strange G, Playford D, Celermajer D, Codde J, Marwick T , Prior D, Keogh A, Steele P, Ilton M, Stewart S, Scalia S. Disparity between severe Aortic Stenosis prevalence and aortic valve replacement using the National Echo Database of Australia (NEDA). CSANZ
abstract 2016.

26. Chung K, Playford D, Celermajer D, Codde J, Marwick T , Prior D, Keogh A, Steele P, Ilton M, Stewart S, Scalia S, Strange G. Pulmonary Hypertension due to Left Heart Disease: Insights from the National Echo Database Australia (NEDA). CSANZ abstract

27. Purchase S, Vickery A, Garton-Smith J, O’Leary P, Sullivan D, Slattery M, Playford D, Watts G. A framework for bridging the gap in the care of familial hypercholesterolaemia in the community: pragmatic and economic perspectives. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2014;

28. Barrett O, Macdonald SPJ, Playford DA. Near-infrared spectroscopy based microcirculatory assessment in acute atrial fibrillation. Anaesthesia & Intensive Care 2015:43(1):105-110.

29. Summers M, Gawthrope I, Macey D, Playford DA. An observation of venous gas emboli in divers and susceptibility to decompression sickness. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine 2015;45(1):25-9.

30. Gawthrope IC, Playford DA, King B, Brown K, Wilson C, McKeown B. The cardiac effects of hyperbaric oxygen at 243 kPa using in-chamber echocardiography. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine 2014;44(3):141-145.

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  • Echocardiography Masterclass – Echocardiographic Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension. Pulmonary Hypertension Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne Australia. October 2018.
  • e-Health Summit European Society of Cardiology – Automated Diagnosis of Aortic Stenosis using Artificial Intelligence. Munich Germany August 2018.
  • EchoVation Challenge – American Society of Echo International Competition. Nashville, Tennessee June 2018.
  • Australian Cardiovascular Forum May 2018, Sydney Australia: The Future of Medical Technology: Applications to Cardiology
  • Stanford University June 2018, USA. Invited Lecture: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and its application to Cardiology.
  • APAC Pulmonary Hypertension Summit, Malaysia August 2017. Invited lecture: National Echocardiography Database Australia and Use of Big Data.
  • European Society of Cardiology, Barcelona, August 2017. Invited lecture: Preoperative assessment of valvular regurgitation using echocardiography.
  • CSANZ 2017: Invited lecture: Echocardiography and Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Cardiac Society ANZ Annual Scientific Meetings 2012 to 2016: Multiple presentations on echocardiography topics
  • Australasian College of Anaesthetists Annual Scientific Meetings: Multiple presentations on subjects such as cardiovascular risk, preoperative investigations and echocardiography
  • Pulmonary Hypertension Society of Australia and New Zealand: Several presentations at the Annual Scientific Meeting on echocardiography in pulmonary hypertension
  • Science Lands in Parliament 2013. This discussion to the Minister for Health centred around Pulmonary Hypertension and population risk.
  • Royal Australasian College of General Practitioners: Multiple invited lectures on various topics such as cardiovascular risk, echocardiography and treatment for cardiovascular disease.
  • Australian Medical Association: Seminars for General Practitioners on ECG interpretation.
  • Pharmaceutical sponsored events: Multiple lectures to GP audiences on a broad range of topics ranging from lipid abnormalities, blood pressure control, echocardiography, and cardiovascular risk.
  • Masterclasses in echocardiography for overseas visiting cardiologists. These masterclasses in Pulmonary Hypertension are provided by the Advanced Lung Diseases Unit at Royal Perth Hospital. I provide the echocardiography component of the program.
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Echocardiogram & Aortic Stenosis
Red Flag Indications for Cardiac Conditions
Clinical Signs in Patient Examinations

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