Cardiologist in QLD
Dr Charles Chao is a CT Specialist and Imaging Cardiologist located in Brisbane. He is also an Associate of the Queensland Cardiovascular Group (QCG). He is located at St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital and Specialist Centre, St Vincent’s Private Hospital Northside, North Lakes Specialist Centre, and Sunnybank Private Hospital Consulting Building. Additionally, Dr Chao is the Staff Specialist at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Read More...
Dr Charles Chao is a CT Specialist and Imaging Cardiologist located in Brisbane. He is also an Associate of the Queensland Cardiovascular Group (QCG). He is located at St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital and Specialist Centre, St Vincent’s Private Hospital Northside, North Lakes Specialist Centre, and Sunnybank Private Hospital Consulting Building. Additionally, Dr Chao is the Staff Specialist at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland.
After completing his medical degree at the University of Melbourne Medical School, Charles completed his basic and advanced physician training at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and Princess Alexandra Hospital. He obtained his Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) in 2010, following this Dr Chao completed a Fellowship in non-invasive cardiac imaging at MonashHeart, Monash Medical Centre in Victoria, and a Fellowship in Cardiac MRI at The Heart Hospital in London, UK.
Charles has a special interest in cardiac risk assessment, cardiac imaging (echocardiography, stress echo, transoesophageal echo, cardiac CT / MRI). As well as general cardiology, ischaemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, and heart failure.
Dr Chao passed the EuroCMR exam in Vienna and has a Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) Level 3 and Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) Level 2 accreditations.
* This physician is currently not participating in the Hope For Hearts program. This profile was created using publically available information.
Read Less...* This physician is currently not participating in the Hope For Hearts program. This profile was created using publicly available information.
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