What are these resources?
The aortic stenosis brochure is for medical professionals to give to patients who have been diagnosed with aortic stenosis. It aims to provide patient’s with an overview of the condition and answer some of their frequently asked questions.
The Tick Talk flyer has been created to prompt patients to simply tick if they experience any of the listed symptoms and talk to their doctor if they do. Pass it onto a friend, colleague or loved one, to reach more people and prompt a heart health assessment.
These are the aortic stenosis resources that we have so far on the Hope For Hearts website, however, as we continue to cover more cardiac conditions we will continue to increase our available resources.
For more educational resources and information on the treatment of aortic stenosis, visit NewHeartValve.com, a free resource for patients to understand aortic stenosis, explore treatment options, know what to ask their doctor and access additional patient resources.
If you would like to order Aortic Stenosis Patient Brochures or ‘Tick Talk’ kits for your Practice or Hospital, please fill out the form below.